We spent New Year's with Morgan's family in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was so much fun spending
time with his family since we never get to see them. Everyone was there except Candace and Allen, which we missed. I'm so
grateful to have such wonderful in-laws! Morgan's parents are the best! I love to be around them and they are so fun to be with. They took care of us so well when we were there. They always do anyway though. We all chatted a lot, played some new fun games, did some sightseeing and a little shopping. It was such a good time and was so hard to leave and say goodbye. It's so nice to be part of a great family! I love my sister and brother in-laws so much and of
course sweet baby Po. The 10 hour drive each way was all worth it.
Mo sitting on a bench in a catholic church we decided to look through.
Kevin and Morgan looking up at a
religious prayer area.
Kevin and Lorie. They took us to this really yummy
Mexican food place. It was
Tanner, Jordan and Ashley.
Porter, baby Po and
Me, and Mo with our sweet and adorable nephew Porter Jr. We both really wish we could see this cute guy a lot more often.
Maike and Porter live in Boston so we don't really get to them too often.
Morgan and me are Jazz season ticket holders. We were lucky and got to go meet all the Jazz players and get their autograph. It was so fun to see them all in person and we were lucky that all the players ended up being there. We brought a basketball and got it signed by all the Jazz players just
in time before they made everyone be done. We also brought our
Deron Williams jersey's to be signed.
Jerry Sloan
C.J. Miles and
Deron Williams
Deron Williams
Millsap and Ronnie Brewer
Ronnie Price
Wesley Matthews
Memo was the only picture that I didn't get. We walked past him with his wife and
daughter at the end though. So cute!
Me and Mo went to the Cheesecake Factory a few weeks ago. The wait was
ridiculous! We were there a total of 3 hours. The food is so
delish though. Italian food is my favorite! It's one of my favorite places to eat. I just wish they would build more in Utah. We got a yummy
oreo chocolate pie to go. Oh was it heavenly!
Mo being silly!
Can't wait until next time we go but not the wait...